At Fairways Decorating there really is no end to the jobs that we can produce, no matter how big or small we are the firm of choice for commercial painting and we offer a fantastic range of High performance coatings, completed to a quality standard. All the work done here is done to an excellent standard and is sure to keep your business looking sparkling, shiny and smart, our entire workforce is highly skilled and we are not short of compliments. Fairways Decorating are a well organized, friendly and hardworking company that will guarantee that when we undertake a project that you will be happy with us, we use quality skilled worksmen to deliver excellence in the work we produce.
Benefits of High Performance Coatings
We often use high performance coatings that can withstand any environment, this will extend the life span of the paint and save customers money in the long term. They protect the paint from all types of weathering or industrial damage and there are a wide range of different products and brands but all work similarly. We use a wide range of finishes, such as Endura Polyurethanes, HPC Industrial Enamels, Hempel Epoxy Tank Linings, PPG Industrial coatings and Dampney high heat coatings.